I’ve been working with multiple AWS accounts for the last few months between various organisations. Logging into each one when I need to make a change quickly became tedious and slow. Each environment (dev, test, staging, production) has their own AWS account. The need to log in stems from taming the infrastructure with Terraform for systems that have been set up by hand and dealing with the discrepancies between them, so I tend to jump between dev and staging very often. Being in this is a very normal state of affairs as most people starting out with AWS haven’t worked with any infrastructure creation automation. I will create another post detailing how to start this taming process.

The second benefit of having multiple environments is that you can consolidate billing across all of them, benefit from AWS volume discounts and see the breakdown between environments between different accounts. You also have better isolation as permissions are delegated across accounts and you can easily create/lock an account, or in the event of a breach, isolate an entire environment by revoking permission.

We are going to set up 3 new AWS accounts, delegate billing to the master one and have cross account administrator access for a user.

Multi-account layout

First step is setting up 3 AWS accounts via the sig-nup page. As each account requires a unique email address, the use of a + in an email address is very useful (allowed via RFC 2822). For amazon@yourdomain.com, I suggest something like:

  • amazon+master@yourdomain.com
  • amazon+development@yourdomain.com
  • amazon+production@yourdomain.com

This will allow you to have all the emails in a single inbox. For security, I would advise to have different emails for each account, but it complicates things for this demo.

When you click on register, it will ask you for your name, use something like AWS Master for the master account as it will make identifying the accounts in the console easier, see the screenshot below. For the rest of the registration, use your proper details (name / surname). Registration will require you to provide a credit card (they will charge with $1.00 to confirm it is valid) and a valid phone number. During registration, they will call you on this number and you have to type in the on-screen pin to verify the phone number. For the support plan, choose the basic one for now - it is free. Your account is now ready, but you are not logged in, do so now. Spend some time reading through the free tier documentation, you get a decent amount for the first 12 months to help you start out. Log out and create accounts for development and production as well.

This is where the account name goes:

Account sign-up

And this is how it will display on the top-right side of the screen after logging in:

Account name

First thing we want to do is set up the consolidated billing. This is done on the master account only, click on your account name on the top-right of the screen, then on Billing & Cost Management:

Delegated Billing Link

On the following screen, click on Consolidated Billing on the left-hand side:

Delegated Billing Setup

Enable delegated billing by clicking on the Sign up for Consolidated Billing. The button text will change to indicate it is being set up and, once complete, a green notification will dropdown in the top-middle of the screen. The button will revert back to Sign up for Consolidated Billing, you will need to refresh the page to configure it. Click the Send a Request button, enter the development account’s email address, i.e. amazon+development@example.com, and click on send. Do the same for the production account. You now need to log out of the master account, go to your email and click on the link there to enable the billing consolidation. The link will take you to the console sign-in page, use the credentials for the development / production account, depending on which link you clicked on first. After logging in, you will need to click on the Accept request button. It wil grey out and indicate it is processing. Once complete, you will see the accepted state:

Delegated Billing Setup

When you log back into your master account, you will see the following in the consolidated billing section:

Delegated Billing Setup

Write down the account Id values for development and production, we will need them for the role delegation. Now it is time for setting up your daily account. You should never log in with your root account credentials unless something has happened to this account we are about to set up. By default, user accounts (even ones with administrator roles), cannot access the billing section as a security measure. With the root credentials, a malicious person can change your password and the email used to log in with, locking you out of your account completely. They can then abuse it until you realise this and contact AWS support to regain access to your account - this takes time and will further increase your bill. You should also set up multi-factor authentication on you account.

The cross account permission delegation has two components to it, the first is where the root account grants access to another root account to assume a role inside itself. I.e. the development root account has a role administrator that has the built-in AdministratorAccess IAM policy attached to it. This role is then set up to allow the master account to assume it. On the master account side, you will create a new group with permissions to assume this role and add a user to this group. The layered security here has 2 benefits:

  • If your master account is compromised, you can revoke access to the environments from their accounts by removing the role permission.
  • If you need to add or remove a user’s access to your systems, it is done in a single place (your master account)

Log back in into your master account. Click on Services on the top-left side, then ‘All AWS Services’, then IAM. It is also useful to click on the edit button and add the services you access regularly - they will also be visible at the top of the console. Create a new policy by clicking on Policies on the left, then the Create Policy button. Choose Create your own policy. Use development_administrator for the name, any description you want, i.e. Allows assuming the development administration role on the development account. and the policy itself as (remember to replace development_account_id with your account id):

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": {
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
    "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::development_account_id:role/administrator"

Do the same for production. Go to Groups on the left and create a new group called development_administrator. On then next screen, click on Policy Type and select Customer Managed Policies. You will see the development_administrator and production_administrator ones there, click on the check box to the left of the development one. Click on next. A final confirmation screen will appear, showing:

IAM Group creation

After clicking on Create Group, it will show up in the list:

IAM Group list

Again, do the same for the production account. Create a new user for yourself, I will call mine cobus by clicking on Users on the left-hand side and then on Create New User. The tick box for Generate access key for each user will be ticket by default. Click on next and then on the arrow to show your credentials. Copy the values, or download the file - I prefer to copy and paste to a safe location immediately instead of downloading the file as you might leave it in your download folder and forget about it. For now, place them in the file ~/.aws/credentials:


(The credentials above have already been revoked, I decided to include actual ones to avoid formatting confusion). This allows you to interact with the AWS CLI via aws --profile demo-master-cobus. It is safer to not set a [default] profile as the CLI will use that when you do not specify --profile. As I work with many accounts, this is a risk that I prefer to avoid. Click on close twice to create the user. Select the user from the list and go to the Security Credentials tab.

IAM user cobus

Here you can see the user and that it hasn’t been assigned a password yet. Click on Manage Password and generate one for the user. You can decide to provide one, or have it generated. Entirely up to your preference. Once again, copy & paste the credentials to a safe place - I use 1password religiously for this. You will also want to have administrator rights on the master account, so create a new group called master_administrator and attach the built-in AdministratorAccess policy to it. Now that we have a user, it is time to give it some permissions via groups. Click on the Groups tab, tick both of the groups you created earlier and click on Add to groups.

IAM add user to groups

It is almost time to log in with the user, but first, let’s make that easier. Go back to the top level of IAM by clicking on Dashboard on the left. You will see the following:

IAM dashboard

You will see a number in the link, this is your account ID for the master account, write it down for later. Click on the customize link at the top/mid-right of the screen. This will allow you to choose a friendly name for your login, i.e. https://friendly-name.signin.aws.amazon.com/console. Choose something sensible for your account. You will be using this link to log in in future.

We still haven’t given our master account permission to assume roles in the other two accounts, let’s do this now. Log out of this account and back into the development one. Go to the IAM section, and then to Roles and finally click on Create New Role. Use administrator for this role - this needs to match what you specified in the policy earlier for your development_administrator policy. On the next screen, select Role for Cross-Account Access and then Provide access between AWS accounts you own. Enter the master account ID on the next screen. You can tick the Require MFA option - this will force the user to have MFA enable on their user in the master account before being allowed to switch to this role. In the next step, choose the built-in AdministratorAccess policy. On the last step, you can review the setup, it should look like this:

IAM cross account role

Copy the link provided, log out and do the same for the production account. It is finally time to use the new login. Enter the friendly url you created earlier after logging out of the production account, i.e. https://friendly-name.signin.aws.amazon.com/console:

IAM account log in

You will see your IAM account name and friendly login name at the top right as cobus @ friendly-name. In a new tab, paste the link you copied when creating the cross account role: https://signin.aws.amazon.com/switchrole?account=development_account_id&roleName=administrator. It will bring up 3 boxes to fill in, the Account and Role will already be populated with values. Choose a short name for the development account, i.e. Development and a colour - I use green for dev, yellow for staging / uat and red for production environments. You will see why when we go back to the first tab. Click on Switch role, wait for the screen to load, then close that tab. Open another new one and do the same for production. Close the tab when done.

IAM add cross account role

Go back to your first tab and refresh the page. There will be a dialog indicating that says:

IAM add cross account role

You will see a red oval top-right with Production in it, when you click on it, you will see:

IAM add cross account role

You are now able to switch between development and production without having to log in! If you want to go back to the master account, simply click on Back to cobus in that menu. What is happening in the background is the console uses your master account user to generate temporary credentials on the development / production account via the STS service and using them to access the other environments.

Finally, you want to configure profiles to do the role switching for you when using the CLI. To do this, you can configure them in ~/.aws/config

[profile demo-master-cobus]
region = us-west-2

[profile demo-development-cobus]
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::<development_account_id>:role/administrator
source_profile = demo-master-cobus

[profile demo-production-cobus]
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::<production_account_id>:role/administrator
source_profile = demo-master-cobus

This will allow you to add --profile <target> to your CLI commands, i.e. aws --profile demo-master-cobus s3 cp s://my-bucket/myfile.txt ./ to copy from a bucket created in the master account. Or if you want to copy from a bucket in the development account: aws --profile demo-development-cobus s3://my-dev-bucket/myfile.txt ./. You are now able to update each individual AWS root account using a single credential set. When managing many users, this becomes very powerful as you only have a single location to look at to assess what a user’s rights are across all your environments.

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